Hi! I am in the final year of my PhD and I am going to submit my thesis in late-spring 2022. My project is all about understanding how well models can predict Indian monsoon low-pressure systems, which produce substantial rainfall over the Indian subcontinent and trigger catastrophic floods during the summer monsoon season. I am also working on understanding more properties of these weather systems; the results of my research would benefit stakeholders (e.g., disaster management organisations and governments) in improving disaster preparedness and long-term planning.
I am an early riser, so I begin my day at 8 in the morning. I generally utilise my morning hours (the most productive part of the day for me) in coding and debugging, following which I focus on writing articles, responding to e-mails, and reading papers until 4 in the afternoon. I always plan my week well in advance, so my typical week is often divided between achieving my weekly targets and planning my research work for the next week.
Debugging! I must say that one must be prepared to deal with all eventualities before writing a code!
The Whiteknights campus of the University of Reading is among the most scenic campuses across the entire UK, which provides a natural environment for education. For example, there are so many places on campus where one can peacefully sit/walk/run with friends or colleagues and discuss coursework or research ideas. Furthermore, the University has state-of-art facilities that immensely help students in education and research.
My Personal Website is: www.akshaydeoras.com
My Twitter is: @akshaydeoras