Akshay Deoras

On seasonal and sub-seasonal forecasting of Indian monsoon low pressure systems
University of Reading
Akshay Deoras
Hi! Tell us a bit about yourself – what stage of your PhD are you in and what’s your project about?

Hi! I am in the final year of my PhD and I am going to submit my thesis in late-spring 2022. My project is all about understanding how well models can predict Indian monsoon low-pressure systems, which produce substantial rainfall over the Indian subcontinent and trigger catastrophic floods during the summer monsoon season. I am also working on understanding more properties of these weather systems; the results of my research would benefit stakeholders (e.g., disaster management organisations and governments) in improving disaster preparedness and long-term planning.

What did a typical day or week look like for you?

I am an early riser, so I begin my day at 8 in the morning. I generally utilise my morning hours (the most productive part of the day for me) in coding and debugging, following which I focus on writing articles, responding to e-mails, and reading papers until 4 in the afternoon. I always plan my week well in advance, so my typical week is often divided between achieving my weekly targets and planning my research work for the next week.

What’s one thing that you enjoyed the most during your PhD?
The process of transformation of an idea into a research article!
What’s been the most challenging part of it?

Debugging! I must say that one must be prepared to deal with all eventualities before writing a code!

Where do you see yourself 5 years after having now completed your PhD?
I see myself as a postdoctoral researcher exploring more aspects of tropical meteorology and of course the Indian monsoon.

What’s one piece of advice that you’d offer students that are thinking of doing a PhD?
A PhD is definitely a life changing experience that helps a person in becoming an independent researcher. It immensely boosts your thinking process, which helps you in different aspects of your life. If you are passionate about some research topic, just go for it! Always plan your research activities well in advance, but be prepared for unexpected outcomes (e.g., overly critical reviews on a manuscript) that might affect your research progress or the timeline of the project.

What makes your university a good place to study?

The Whiteknights campus of the University of Reading is among the most scenic campuses across the entire UK, which provides a natural environment for education. For example, there are so many places on campus where one can peacefully sit/walk/run with friends or colleagues and discuss coursework or research ideas. Furthermore, the University has state-of-art facilities that immensely help students in education and research.

Lastly, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy swimming and cooking!
Thanks Akshay! How can our readers learn more about you and get in touch?

My Personal Website is: www.akshaydeoras.com
My Twitter is: @akshaydeoras

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